Lunar New Year 2022 Is the Year Of Tiger

In the Chinese Zodiac, The year 2022 is the year of Tiger Tigers are fiercely competitive



Their courage and objectives are well-known. The Tiger year is all about tremendous changes, both within ourselves and in the world around us. The tiger years are marked by an upsurge in overall enthusiasm.

Shuxiang is based on the Luni-Solar calendar, which has a strong connection to Chinese Philosophy.

Heaven, earth, and water are the three harmonies in this theory.

Yin and Yang principles.

Water, wood, fire, earth, and Metal are the five phases of the elemental flow in Wuxing.

Wuxing’s Yin and Yang attributes are represented by the ten Heavenly Stems.

The twelve Chinese animal signs are represented by the Twelve Earthly Branches.


NASA’s HERMES project received a crucial mission review on 27 January.


The HERMES mission will consist of a four-instrument suite installed outside NASA’s Moon-orbiting Gateway.

The study, dubbed Key Decision Point C, assessed the mission’s preliminary design and program plan in order to meet the mission’s planned launch readiness date of November 2024.

Following the successful evaluation, the project will proceed to Phase C, which will comprise the HERMES mission’s final design.

The HERMES project will be crucial to the Artemis mission and NASA’s ambitions of establishing a permanent presence on the Moon.

“HERMES” is the acronym for “Heliophysics Environmental and Radiation Measurement Experiment Suite.”

It will be installed outside the NASA Gateway outpost’s “Habitation and Outpost module.”

Forest Area Gain Indias Rank

According to the Department of Economic Affairs’ latest Economic Survey, India ranks third in the world in regards to forest gain area.


Between 2010 and 2020, India added 2,66,000 hectares of forest each year. Forest covers 24% of India’s entire geographical area.

India’s forests make up 2% of the world’s total forest area. Brazil, Congo, Peru, and Russia are the countries with the most forest, according to the survey. Brazil’s forest covers 59 percent of the country’s entire land area.

Peru has 57 percent, Congo has 56 percent, and Russia has 50 percent. Around ten countries were responsible for 66% of the world’s forests.

The state with the most forest cover was Madhya Pradesh. The state accounts for 11% of India’s total forest cover. Arunachal Pradesh came in second.

The state’s forest cover accounts for 9% of the country’s total. Chhattisgarh has 8%, Odisha has 7%, and Maharashtra has 7%.