Current Affairs Exam

Sub Mission on National Food Security Mission

The Government of India is creating awareness among farmers for Nutri (Millets) under the Sub Mission on National Food Security Mission (NFSM) through demonstration and training. Nutri Cereals includes ragi, sorghum, bajra and small millets.

Nutri Cereals (Millets) is one of the significant components of the National Food Security Mission.

National Food Security Mission was launched in 2007. It is a centrally sponsored Scheme.

The main objective is to increase the annual manufacturing of rice, wheat and pulses.

The mission was launched to extend the manufacturing of rice, wheat and pulses by place Growth and enhancing productivity, restoring Soil fertility and productivity, developing EMPLOYMENT opportunities, and improving farm level economy.

Sub-components of the NFSM are NFSM-Rice; NFSM-Wheat; NFSM-Pulses; NFSM-Coarse Cereals; NFSM-NFSM-Nutri-Cereals; NFSM-Commercial Crops.

Allocations under theNational Child Labour Project(NCLP), a labour and employment ministry scheme, meant to rescue and rehabilitate child labourers, has declined by less than half in the last two years, the governments response to a question by BJPs Rajya Sabha MP,Syed Zafar Islam, has shown.

While the ministry acknowledged that child labour has not been eradicated, and that it runs the NCLP scheme to rescue and rehabilitate children under the age of 14 by linking them to the Education system and skilling them, its submissions shows that fund allocations towards the scheme dropped from Rs 90 crore in 2018-19 to just over Rs 41 crore in 2020-21.
The ministry said that even the conviction rate under the Child and Adolescent Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986, as per NCRB data of 2019, remains dismal. In 2019, of the 770 cases registered, 684 cases were charge sheeted and only 88 accused were convicted.

The highest number of cases was registered inTelangana. In 314 cases, only 32 accused were convicted. Karnataka, Assam and Gujarat were next in line with 83, 68 and 64 cases respectively. While charge sheets were issued in 58 cases in Karnataka, 63 cases in Gujarat and 37 in Assam, the number of convictions was zero in Assam, eight inKarnatakaand four in Gujarat.

In response to a separate question, the government said 645 children were orphaned between April and June 28 this year due to the Covid-19. The highest number of 158 orphaned children was in Uttar Pradesh, followed by Andhra Pradesh at 119, according to government data.

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