States dues at Centres new receipt portal causes power shortage

Due to the new receipt portal of the Central Government, a serious power crisis has gripped Jharkhand. In this scorching summer, the demand for electricity in the State has reached a record level of 2900 MW. But only 2200 MW power is being supplied. Still, a shortage of 500 to 700 MW of electricity is being registered in the State.

In such a situation, the power crisis has deepened. Even after booking, electricity is not being received from the Indian Energy Exchange. JBVNL has stopped getting additional power from the Indian Energy Exchange for not paying the outstanding amount of Rs 47 crore for the power being bought through auction. In such a situation, there is a shortage of 500 to 700 MW of power in the State. Due to which load shedding is happening. Due to load shedding, power cuts are being done in the State including the State Capital.

JBVNL owes Rs 47 crores to the Indian Energy Exchange. Rs 20 crores have been paid so far. The remaining amount of Rs 27 crores will be paid on Tuesday. Only after this, electricity will be available from the central sector as per the demand.