SMILE Scheme – Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment

The government has devised a plan that includes comprehensive measures to improve the well-being of beggars.

About SMILE:

The Ministry of Social and Empowerment has developed a scheme called SMILE Support for Marginalized Individuals for Livelihood and Enterprise, which includes a sub-scheme called Central Sector Scheme for Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Persons Involved in Begging.

The scheme focuses heavily on rehabilitation, medical facilities, counselling, basic documentation, Education, Skill development, economic links, and so on.

The scheme would be implemented with the help of state/local governments/local urban bodies, non-profit organisations, community-based organisations (CBOs), institutions, and others.

The scheme provides for the use of existing shelters provided by the state/UT government and urban local governments to help people who engage in begging recover

If existing shelter homes are not available, the implementing agencies will establish new dedicated shelter homes.