The Shimla west Police station topped the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) ranking in the state in the above 50 FIRs category in the last quarter of 2021, scoring 27.45 of 30 marks.
The ranking is based on the uploading of data by police stations from registration of FIR to current status of investigation. The Dhalli police station in Shimla and Sundernagar police station in Mandi district were ranked second and third with 27.39 and 24.86 marks while Rohru and Jubbal police stations in Shimla district bagged the top position in (20-50 FIRs and 0-20 FIR) categories.
All 133 police stations in the state are covered under the CCTNS project. The CCTNS provides enhanced tools for investigation, crime prevention, law and order maintenance and other functions like traffic management and emergency response, improving Communication, automating back office functions, helping police staff to focus more on core police functions.