Sex ratio at birth dropped in Kurukshetra district last year

After witnessing an upward trend for a couple of years, the sex ratio at birth dropped 17 points to 921 girls per 1,000 boys in the Kurukshetra district last year.

As per the data, the figure stood at 743 in 2012 and improved to 887 girls per 1,000 boys in 2013. It witnessed a continuous decline for the next three years 869 in 2014, 860 in 2015 and 859 in 2016. The situation improved in 2017 and the sex ratio increased to 924 and remained static at 924 in 2018 too.

The sex ratio improved to 928 and then further to 938 in 2019 and 2020 respectively, but it dropped to 921 last yAs per the data procured from the Health Department, 16,130 children 8,398 boys and 7,732 girls were born in Kurukshetra district last year.ear. The state Average was 914.