Sex change surgeries on rise in Kerala, reveals data

More sex reassignmentsurgeries(SRS) in the state are performed for male-to-female transition than for female-to-male transition, according to data from the social department on the number oftransgenderpeople who received financial assistance after the surgeries. The data also show that the number of such surgeries has been rising over the years.
While only 19 transgender people, including 11 trans Women, received the assistance in 2018-19, the number of beneficiaries rose to 83, including 41 trans women, in 2021-22 so far. Of the total of 191 transgender people who received the assistance from 2018, 127 are trans women and 64, trans men.

The department gives a reimbursement of Rs 2.5 lakh for trans women and Rs 5 lakh for trans men after the surgery. Those in the transgender community said the number of people going for female-to-male transition is fewer due to the surgical complexities involved and fear of rejection from family and abuse on the streets.