Seven months on, govt yet to act on committee report

Almost seven months after a committee appointed by thegovernmentsubmitted its report on theparticipatory pension scheme(national pension scheme,NPS) implemented for the employees, the government has not taken any decision on it, while keeping the report under wraps without revealing the committees recommendations.

After the committee submitted its report to the government on April 30 this year, the report reached additional chief secretary (finance)Rajesh Kumar Singhwho examined and forwarded it to finance minister K N Balagopal on July 20 this year, as is clear from the electronic file records of the government. The file is now resting on the table of the finance minister.

It is reliably learnt that the government is going slow on the report as the committee has recommended that the scheme can be continued, which is against the LDFs pre-election assurance in 2016 that the scheme will be withdrawn if theLDFgovernment comes to power.