Schemes worth 63k-cr in state under Sagarmala

As many as 54 projects worth Rs 63,000 crore have been identified for implementation in Odisha under the Centres ambitiousSagarmalaprogramme that aims to bring change in the countrys sector by unlocking the potential of its coastline and waterways.
Informing it inRajya Sabha, Union minister of Ports, shipping and waterwaysSarbananda Sonowalsaid the projects identified in Odisha are related to modernization of the ports, connectivity, industrialization, coastal community development and shipping and inland waterways.

These projects are being implemented by major ports, central ministries, Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI), Indian Railways, National Highways Authority of India and various state agencies.

Projects already completed under Sagarmala include development of the Haridaspur-Paradip new RAILWAY line (Rs 1,845 crore), mechanization of three berths atParadipPort (Rs 1,438 crore), multi-purpose berth at Paradip Port to handle clean cargo including container (Rs 431 crore), construction of deep draft iron Ore export berth in Paradip (Rs 740 crore) and development of an inland waterways terminal at Paradip Port (Rs 80 crore).