Russian Team Returns Earth After Filming First Movie In Space

A Russian film crew is back on Earth after wrapping up scenes for the first movie shot in space on 17 October.

The movie has been in its kind of space race.

Tom Cruise is also part of a Hollywood filming-in-space project that involves NASA and Elon Musks SpaceX.

The plot is tightly under the warps and is said to be about a surgeon dispatched to ISS to save a cosmonaut.

The India US 15-day mega military exercise called Yudh Abhyas started on 15 October in Alaska.

The Exercise aims to deepen bilateral military cooperation between both countries and improve understanding, cooperation, and interoperability between India and the USA armies.

It will also focus on combined arms tactics in cold climatic conditions.

The principal aim of the exercise is to share tactical level drills and learn best practices from each other.

Seven new DEFENCE companies were dedicated to India by the Defence Ministry on 15 October. Highlights

All these companies started operating on 1 October as the government decided to convert the

200-year-old OFB government department to seven 100 per cent government-owned corporate entities.

It was converted to enhance efficiency, functional autonomy, unlock new Growth potential & innovation, and improve Indias self-reliance in defence preparednes

The Innovation League was disclosed under the Italian Presidency to create a sustainable future.

This new Initiative was designed to run innovative projects to create a sustainable future.

This will bring in innovative startups from the G20 countries and investments and institutions to develop and collaborate on innovative sustainable business projects.