Rs5,784 cr plan to revamp power sector in Himachal

The government has approved the action plan and DPR of the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) for Rs 5,784 crore. The scheme comprises a total outlay of Rs 2,224 crore towards the replacement of existing feeders, distribution transformers and consumer meters with smart meters.

Besides, Rs 3,559 crore will be directed towards strengthening, renovation and augmentation of existing distribution in the entire state.

Under this scheme, about 28 lakh meters will be replaced with smart meters. Further, for strengthening distribution infrastructure, there is a provision of 5,653 kms of HT line, 4,483 km of LT lines, 6,369 distribution transformers (DTs), 6,905 km reconductoring and augmentation of LT Lines, augmentation of 5,373 DTs and 704 kms conversion of bare Conductors into cable, etc.

The present annual technical and commercial (AT&C) losses of the HPSEBL have been reduced below 10 per cent and ACS-ARR gap to zero by FY 25. The implementation of this scheme will enable HPSEBL to reduce losses to make it financially sustainable and operationally efficient.