Rs3,000 allowance for construction workers

To mitigate sufferings caused due to loss of livelihood of construction workers amid the Covid restrictions, Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh today announced subsistence allowance/cash assistance of Rs 3,000 to all construction workers registered with the Building and Other Construction Workers (BOCW) Welfare Board.

The Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board has nearly three lakh registered construction workers

Last year, the had paid Rs6,000 each to 2.91 lakh construction workers

The CM, who is also the chairman of the board, said the subsistence allowance of Rs 3,000 would be paid in two instalments of Rs 1,500 each, the first one to be released immediately and the second by June 15.

The state government had extended a helping hand to distressed construction workers last year too, amid the first wave of the pandemic. It had then provided a financial assistance to the tune of Rs 174.31 crore, giving Rs 6,000 each to 2.91 lakh construction workers registered with the board.