Rs 20 crore to develop Gupteswar shrine

Thestate government sanctioned Rs 20 crore fordevelopmentof Gupteswar, the cave shrine of Lord Shiva, around 80 km from here in Boipariguda block. Official sources said the cave shrine will be transformed into a famous religious, historical and tourism spot of the state without disturbing the natural ECOLOGY. According to a government release, the fund was sanctioned following the visit of 5T secretary V K Pandian to the cave shrine on February 3, during which he held discussions with the temple priests, committee members and locals regarding the shrines expansion for betterment of the devotees.

Later, Pandian asked the District Administration to submit a master plan for renovation of the temple and its adjoining areas. According to the master plan prepared by the administration, while the road leading to the temple will be developed, beautification of the entrance Gate of the temple and the banks of the Saberi river flowing adjacent to the temple will be carried out too.