Revamp of SEZ Act piques curiosity in Goas industry

Finance minister Nirmala Sitharamans announcement that the Special Economic ZonesAct, 2005, (SEZAct) will be revamped to enable states to partner in industrial hubs has aroused thecuriosityof several local industrialists. Given that Sitharaman said that the new law would cover existing industrial enclaves many in the state are eager to see the new legislation when it comes.

As part of the PM Gati Shakti master plan, Sitharaman proposed 50-year, interest-free loans of Rs 1 lakh crore to states to help them attract investments in the financial year 2022-23. Local industrialists said that if Goa could attract some of these funds, it could help improve and bring in private investments. There are additional funds also made available to states, which, if utilised properly, can help to develop the state. Projects under Gati Shakti can be planned and Logistics can be promoted in a big way, chairman, MSME national council, Assocham, Manguirish Pai Raikar said.