Recovery rate in Mizoram low due to rigid discharge protocol: IMA

Indian Medical Association (IMA)Mizoramstate branch attributed the lowrecovery rateofCovid-19infected people in Mizoram to thestate government’s refusal to change the Covid-19 discharge protocol. Mizoram’s recovery rate was 78.21% as against 96.80% in India.

IMA’s Mizoram state branch president Dr Rosangluaia said that the IMA, Mizoram state branch had repeatedly asked the to change the discharge protocol, but the government has stuck to its guns.

Another doctor said that the state government dared not change the discharge protocol due to pressure from the local-level task force who are helping the government machinery in combating the pandemic in their own respective areas.

The irony in Mizoram is that the state government, without consulting medical experts, used to make decisions on the pressure from outside agency.