Rapid industrialisation needed to end Odishas backwardness

In the modern world, industrialisation is the prime mover of any regions economy. Worldwide, industrialisation has paved the way towards . Reports on Odishas economic status observe that the State remains industrially backward and the sign of improvement is not encouraging.

Traditional agricultural societies cannot generate progress in standard of living of a majority of people of the State, which needs rapid industrialisation to achieve Growth. Just availability of Resources“>Natural Resources as industrial raw materials is not enough if it is not accompanied with basic Infrastructure for Communication and transportation added to availability of skilled manpower.

Despite natural advantages, the State has not achieved some basic infrastructures such as standard international Airports, sea Ports, RAILWAY lines, highways, waterways and other links which are foundations for industrialisation. In an increasingly globalised economy there has been a growing movement of skilled manpower; and for that purpose, the State must build world-class Education and Skill development centres to meet the growing need of workers for the Industrial Sector. The State has to invest in both the sectors to supplement industrialisation.

The poorer, marginalised sections of the State are being motivated to continue with traditional agricultural and Primary Sector economy as the most sustainable way of living while Industry and service sectors are globally emerging as alternative sources of livelihood for majorities of people. Unfortunately, intellectuals and opinion makers of the State very seldom advocate for industrialization; rather these days, rational ideas, application of Science and Technology and industrialisation have been opposed in the name of so-called traditions and preservation of traditional agricultural societies.