Rajasthans three tiger reserves score good

Three inRajasthanincluding world famous Ranthambore, Sariska and Mukundra Hills have shown a steady improvement in the Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE) scores, indicating that our conservation efforts in the state are bearing fruit. TheMEEreport was released on Sunday at the commemorative event to mark 50 years of Project Tiger inaugurated by Prime MinisterNarendra Modi.

The report highlighted that the state has been able to manage its tiger reserves effectively as is reflected by the fact that all the reserves fall in the Good management category and there has been a substantial improvement in the fifth cycle of assessment. Newly declared tiger reserveRamgarh Vishdhariwas not included in the assessment.
Ranthambore topped the chart in the state by securing 73.91 %, MEE score and categorised as ‘good’. There has been an improvement in the MEE score as in the 3rd cycle of MEE report (2018), Ranthambore was put under fair category after it scored 59.38 %.

Similarly, Sarsika also showed improvement as it was categorised as ‘fair’ but now it got into the ‘good’ category with a MEE score of 64.15.%. Mukundra Hills, which was declared as a tiger reserve in 2013 received a tag of Good category too after it scored 60.16 %.