Rajasthan tops PM SHRI school selection

Under the PM Schools for Rising India (PMSHRI) initiative, 402 government schools inRajasthanhave been selected in the first phase, the maximum number of schools from any state to be thus selected.

Under PM SHRI, Rs 2 crore will be given to each school for upgrading and Resources. BD Kalla, state Education minister, said the selection of so many schools reflected the Gehlot governments success in improving school education.

The maximum number of government schools have been selected from Rajasthan in the first phase of PM SHRI scheme, including 346 government schools of secondary education and 56 government schools of primary education.

A total of 718 schools in the state will be included in this scheme, out of which Rajasthan has achieved special success by having 56% of the schools selected in the first phase itself. It is proposed that the remaining schools will be selected in the second phase in the month of July.

The benchmarks for the selection of government schools for this scheme include enrolment more than the state’s Average enrolment, pucca building of schools in good condition, separate toilets for boys and girls, facility of pure drinking water, separate facility for hand washing, all teachers having ID cards as per guidelines, free access ramp, focus on security, electricity connection, library and necessary facilities forsportsactivities.

The maximum 28 schools have been selected from Jaipur, 24 from Jodhpur, 22 from Udaipur, 21 from Barmer and the rest from other districts. The least numbert is six schools from Sirohi and five schools from Bundi.

The PM SHRI envisages development of 14,500 government schools across the country. These schools will act as exemplar schools showcasing all components of the National Education Policy 2020 and offer mentorship to other local schools.