Rajasthan scores high in school education

The Union ministry of Education on Sunday released the third edition of Performance Grading Index (PGI) 2019-20 in which Rajasthan got Grade1+ i.e., level 3. Compared to last year, the state has improved its performance significantly.

Rajasthan scored between 851-900 points in 2019-20 PGI, which is a significant improvement from the last two indices where state scored 751-800. The central government introduced the Performance Grading Index (PGI) with a set of 70 parameters to catalyse transformational change in the field of school education.

The PGI for states and Union Territories was first published in 2019 with reference year 2017-18. The PGI exercise envisages that the index would propel states and UTs towards undertaking multi-pronged interventions that will bring about the much-desired optimal school education outcomes.