Rajasthan inks business deals worth Rs 2 lakh crore at Mumbai roadshow

During its Invest Rajasthan summit roadshow in Mumbai, the inked MoUs and letter of intents (LoIs) worth Rs 1.94 lakh crore.

The two-day investors summit will take place in Jaipur on January 24-25.

Of the total Investment proposals, MoUs accounted for Rs 1.27 lakh crore and LoIs Rs 67,379 crore.

The investments are proposed in the sectors such as RENEWABLE ENERGY, mines and Minerals, city gas, pharma, engineering, etc.

The 40 proposed projects are estimated to generate about 1.44 lakh EMPLOYMENT opportunities.

Some of the investors who have evinced interest to invest are JSW Future Energy (Rs 40,000 crore), Vedanta (Rs 33,350 crore),Greenko Energies(Rs 30,000 crore), Adani Green Energy (Rs. 20,000 crore), Adani Total Gas (Rs 3,000 crore), andKrish Pharma(Rs 750 crore) among others.