Current Affairs Exam

Punjab to increase green cover in govt schools

To increase green cover across the state, Punjab government has decided to plant fructiferous saplings in states government schools. Under this campaign, to be launched across the state on July 15, 2022, more than 1.25 lakh fructiferous saplings will be planted in government schools in the first phase.

The states Minister Fauja Singh Sarari said that the State Government was paying special attention towards crop diversification to further increase the farmers income and get them out of the vicious circle of wheat and paddy.

Regarding second phase of the campaign, the Minister said that fructiferous saplings would be planted along the water distributaries and roads across the State. Further care of these saplings is to be ensured by the Horticulture Department and responsibility of the concerned officials would be fixed, he said.

The Minister also reviewed the working of Horticulture Department and directed the officials to chalk out the plan to set up orchards on abandoned government land.

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