Punjab in worlds top 50 at risk of damage due to climate hazards

Punjab is among the top 50 states or provinces across the world at high risk of damage to built Environment due to Climate hazards. This has come to the fore in a report, Gross Domestic Climate Risk, released by Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), part of a group of companies committed to quantifying and communicating the costs of , and calculating physical climate risk to built environment in over 2,600 states and provinces around the world in 2050.

Built environment refers to aspects of surroundings that are built by humans to support human activity, like homes and workplaces. It covers damage to buildings and properties from extreme weather and climate change such as flooding, forest fires,heat waveand sea level rise.

This is the first time there has been a physical climate risk analysis focused exclusively on built environment, comparing every state, province and territory in the world. The gross domestic climate risk (GDCR) analysis focuses on the extent of capital value at risk from extreme weather and climate change in states, provinces and other territories, represented by vulnerability and exposure of built environment.