PRF Loan Signed Between India-ADB Support Urban Mobility In Mizoram

The Government of India and Asian (ADB) signed a $4.5 million project readiness financing (PRF) loan on 26 October.


The loan agreement will support project preparation and design activities to develop urban flux in the capital city, Aizawl, in Mizoram.
PRF encourages the development of long-term resolutions for developing urban mobility by recognizing high-priority urban transport investments in Aizawl.
It will help in the next project and enhance its readiness by extending due diligence and preparatory activities.
Aizawl is the centre of the administrative and service Industry of Mizoram. Urban mobility in Aizawl is severely constrained because of rapid and unplanned Urbanization.
This led to traffic congestion on narrow road widths as it impacts road safety, movement efficiency of people & goods, and environmental sustainability.
This project is crucial as it seeks to resolve the transport problems in the city by adopting sustainable urban mobility solutions.

Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP)

A Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP) will be developed for Aizawl, outlining the urban transport development strategy.
It also helps in building synergies with urban development planning initiatives.
The plan further promotes Climate & disaster resilience as well as gender inclusiveness in its interventions.
The PRF loan will help in conducting feasibility studies to prioritize projects that are identified in the CMP.
It will prepare detailed project reports and detailed designs for the project.