Postal department plans to bring out special covers on GI products in Karnataka

India Post has planned to introduce special covers on Geographical Indication (GI) products in Karnataka. Initially, it will choose 10 products having GI tags, includingByadagi chilli. In this regard, the authorities have already conducted a meeting with Byadagi APMC authorities and others.

According to the department, special covers have philately value. The other products in the pipeline are Dharwad pedha, Sirsi supari, Huvinahadagali jasmine, Kinanal toys, Kalaburagi bark, Navalagunda dhurries, Sandur lambani embroidery and others.

The project will be launched underAtma Nirbhar Scheme, and print at least 1,000 special covers. We recently conducted a meeting with Byadagi APMC authorities and traders association and collected details about the produce.