Police to launch Operation Kaaval to curb organized crime in Kerala

Police have formulated a new programme titled Operation Kaaval for nabbing those behind the smuggling of drugs, illegal sand mining and attacks by gangs in the state.

State police chief Anil Kant issued guidelines for successfully undertaking the new programme. The district police chiefs would form special teams to nab those hiding after committing serious crimes. The state special branch will prepare a list of those indulging in anti-social activities, and they will be put under constant watch. It will be examined if the persons released on bail are violating the bail conditions. If they are doing so, steps will be taken to cancel their bail and remand them back to custody. The special branch has been asked to conduct secret surveillance on such persons.

Those involved in criminal cases and those who are suspects will be under surveillance, and if required, searches will be conducted at their regular hideouts. A Database will also be prepared on district-basis of those having previous HISTORY of involvement in violence and criminal activities. If required, they will be arrested by chargingKeralaAnti-social Activities Prevention Act (KAPA). Those against whom cases have been already registered for various criminal activities will be arrested soon, and police will seize vehicles that have been used for such activities.