PMAY-G: 1.55 lakh beneficiaries found eligible after state survey

Of 2.01 lakhPradhan MantriAwaasYojana-Grameen(PMAY-G) beneficiaries whose names were rejected by the Centres portal (Awaas+) due to technical errors, 1.55 lakh were found to be eligible after physical verification conducted by the states rural development department, the state governments survey report said.

The reasons listed for rejection of names by the portal are land related issues, house related issues, income and facility related issues, document duplication related issues and other reasons.

According to the report, under the head Document Duplication, 40,893 names were rejected citing reason family with same job card number already present in the Awaas+ PWL (permanent waiting list). However, after verification, 34,695 were found to be eligible under PMAY-G. In all, 33,233 names were rejected citing reason – duplicateAadharnumber, same Aadhar already mapped with existing beneficiary on AwaasSoft. However, following verification, 18,044 were found to be eligible in this category.

Under the head land related issues, 18,774 names were rejected citing reason 5 acres of more of irrigated land for two or more crop seasons. But, of the total, 15,068 beneficiaries were found to be eligible after physical verification.