PM addresses Maharashtra Rozgar Mela

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi addressed the Rozgar Mela of Maharashtra government via video message. The Prime Minister started the concept of Rozgar Mela at the central level on Dhanteras. This was the beginning of the campaign to provide 10 lakh jobs at the level of central government. Since then, the Prime Minister has addressed the Rozgar Melas of Gujarat and J&K governments. It is clear from the organization of the Rozgar Mela in such a short time that the Maharashtra government is moving with strong resolve towards providing EMPLOYMENT to the youth.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the most important thing about the efforts of the government is that these opportunities for employment and self-employment are becoming available equally to all, Dalit-backward, tribal, general class and Women. The Prime Minister mentioned 5 lakh crore rupees worth of assistance to 8 crore women who got associated with .