Current Affairs Exam

PGI cleared 11% kidney transplants last year: RTI

TheInternal Scrutiny Committeeof premier medical institutePGIcleared 23% of live/cadaver kidney transplants at the hospital in 2021 and 11% in 2022, according to a reply to anRTIquery sought by TOI, which means not all registered were approved owing to medical reasons and delay in meetings of the committee.

In 2021, out of 999 patients waiting for kidney transplantations at the PGI, 228 were given approval by the committee, while a few others had to wait for other reasons. A total of 187 transplants were conducted.

The PGI is one of the few centres in the country that offers kidney transplants at almost one fourth the cost as compared to private hospitals. The institute has the largest and oldest kidney transplant programme in the country.

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