Per capital devpt spend of state 2nd highest in country: Survey

Telanganais second in the country in terms of per capita development expenditure (PCDE), according toSocio-Economic Survey(2023) released by finance minister T Harish Rao.

Goa tops the list with PCDE of 59,770, followed byTelangana(26,897) and Karnataka (24,040). On the other hand, the countrys PCDE is 20,233, on an Average. A states PCDE is calculated by dividing its development expenditure by its Population.

The development expenditure component of includes spending on both social (Education, Health, welfare, and housing) and economic Services (Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture, Forestry, Industry, transport, etc.). Spending on general services is included in non-development expenditure (fiscal services, administrative services, etc.). Telangana has the highest share of development expenditure in total expenditure (78.1%) among Indian states during the 2018-21 period. During the same period, the average share of development expenditure average of the country was 68.4%.

Capital expenditure, on the other hand, is usually one-time and spread over a long period of time, either resulting in the creation of an Infrastructure asset. The states estimated capital expenditure for financial year 2022-23 is 67,584 crore (26%).

During 2018-21, the states economic services expenditure, as a share of development expenditure, was 46.3%, which was close to Indias share of 44.6%. Similarly, during the same period, the states social service expenditure, as a share of development expenditure, was 53.7%, which was close to Indias average of 55.4%.