Current Affairs Exam

PDS 70 – Lunar Formation Around a Planet

For the first time, scientists have discovered a lunar formation around a planet outside”>The Solar System-a Jupiter-like world surrounded by a disk of gas and dust large enough to produce three moons, the size of which is equivalent to one orbiting the earth.


The ALMA observatory in Chile’s Atacama desert was used to detect a disc of swirling material accumulating around one of two newborn planets seen orbiting PDS 70, a young star located 370 Light years from Earth.

A light year is the distance that light travels in a year, which is approximately 9.5 trillion kilometres.

Exoplanets, which are planets found outside our solar system, number over 4,400. Until now, no orbiting planetary disks have been discovered, because all known exoplanets are located in the “mature”-fully developed-solar system, except for the two baby gas planets orbiting PDS 70.

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