‘Palle Pragati’ helped to improve green cover in state: Telangana chief secretary

Telanganachief secretarySomesh Kumarsaid the “Palle Pragati” programme taken up by the had achieved remarkable results in improving green cover and sanitation apart from controlling diseases in the state.

Informing about the programme to union secretary of rural developmentNarendranath Sinhaduring a review meeting on various developmental works in rural areas on Monday, the chief secretary said that every village in Telangana now has aPalle Prakruthi Vanam, Nursery,Vaikuntadhamam, compost unit and a tractor and added that every month an amount of Rs 227 crores are being released to gram panchayats in the state.

He said while there were only 8,684 gram panchayats (GPs) before the formation of the state, all tribal thandas and hamlets were made GPs. With this the number rose to 12,769.