Orissa HC to give ‘best lawyer’ award to encourage young advocates

TheOrissa high courthas instituted a ‘lawyer of the year’ award to be presented on Lawyers’ Day every year. Lawyers’ Day is celebrated on April 28 to commemorate the birth anniversary ofMadhusudan Das, aBritish era lawyerpopularly called Madhu Babu orMadhu Barrister.
The award has been introduced with a view to encouraging young lawyers practising in the district courts, including the outlying stations, the said in a notification on January 26, from when the scheme came into force.

The award will be given in the form of a collection of books worth Rs 10,000, along with a certificate and a memento to lawyers not less than 30 years and over 40 years. In an exceptional case, a lawyer below 30 years, but not below 28, may be considered, the notification said.