Current Affairs Exam

Only 5% found positive in 69,000 tests in rural areas of Uttar Pradesh

Out of the 69,474 people, who underwent rapid antigen test in rural Uttar Pradesh, 3,551 or a little over 5% were found positive.

The five-day testing campaign, being carried out across the states 97,000 revenue villages, is taking place in the aftermath of the panchayat polls and amid reports of rising Covid-19 cases in villages. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said that teams would visit every single Home and check people for symptoms, isolating those who test positive and ensure that they are given medicines.

To prevent thespread of novel coronavirusspread in rural UP, amass testing drivehas been launched in villages. Teams are going to all houses to provide treatment and counsel patients.Door-to-door screeningand testing is being done by monitoring committees.

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