Only 26% of Gujarat University law students give nod for online exam

Of the 7,600law studentswho were to choose between and online and pen-and-paper (offline)examsatGujarat University, only about 26% or 2,000 students have chosen the online format.

The university had earlier this month given the students of 2, 4 and 6 semester undergraduatelawcourses and students pursuing integrated law programmes the option to register for online exams till June 19. Those who did not choose the online option will by default be considered for theoffline exams. The university has now decided to extend the deadline till June 22 given that there are more than 5,000 students who havent chosen theonline examformat. The deadline extension is a chance to them for a rethink on the matter, said sources in GU.

Gujarat University had earlier this month called off exams forLLBstudents as well as those pursuing integrated courses in law.