Only 20% government schools in Goa have computers: Central data

officials have often wondered aloud about the reason for constantly declining enrolment in government-run schools in Goa. Now, theUnion Education ministrys data released for 2021-22 on Thursday may provide some answers.

The Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) data has shown stark difference in availability of computer and Internet facilities in government schools as compared to aided and private schools in Goa.

Only 54.4% schools in Goa had functionalcomputersin 2021-22. But the state Average was largely dragged down by the less-than-desirable facilities in government schools. Only 20.3% government schools had functional computers in the state, compared to 94.1% in aided schools and 95.7% in private schools.
Goas aided and private schools also did much better than most other states, as the national average for aided schools with functional computers stood at 67.5% and for private schools at 71.9%.

Government schools in Goa were, however, ahead in one aspect use of mobile phones for TEACHING purposes during the pandemic. Nearly 45% state-run schools in Goa used mobiles for teaching, as against 16% nationally.