Odisha: Mining reforms push up states revenue by 300%

The reforms in the mining sector, which earned chief ministerNaveen Patnaikthe Prime Ministers praise in theRajya Sabha, helped the state garner huge revenue even during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The steel andmines departmentofficials saidOdishahas, so far, earned Rs 36,321 crore from mining, which is nearly four times the revenue collected during the same period last year, registering a Growth of more than 300%.

The mining and Metal sector was estimated to yield Rs 11,200 crore during 2019-20, while it was pegged at around Rs 13,800 crore in the 2020-21 financial year.

For the current fiscal (2021-22), the has set a target of collecting Rs 25,000 crore in revenue from the sector. The production of iron Ore this year is almost on a par with that of last year. At 114 million tonne, the iron ore production has gone up by 3MT from last year.

The adoption of online method to track the production and dispatch of mineral Resources is another reform undertaken by the state government in the sector.