October 5 Is Observed As Ganga River Dolphin Day In India

In India, the ‘Ganga dolphin Day’ is observed each year on October 5 to raise knowledge and support the protection of Ganga River Dolphins.


It had been on today in 2010 that Ganga Dolphins were declared national aquatic animals.
WWF, The World Wide Fund for Nature, in 2012 and the Uttar Pradesh government jointly began the dolphin conservation campaign.

The Gangetic Dolphins are included under the primary Schedule of Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972. they have been declared “Endangered” under (International Union for Conservation of Nature).

They’re listed under Appendix I as most endangered under the Convention on International trade in endangered species (CITES).

They’re listed under Appendix II of Conservation on Migratory Species.
The Vikramshila Ganges Dolphin Sanctuary was established in Bihar under the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.