NREGA: 6.2 lakh families in Rajasthan complete 100 days work

With just a month to go for the financial year (2021-22) to end, 6.24 lakh families inRajasthanhave so far completed 100 days of work under theMGNREGAscheme. In 2020-21, 12.31 lakh families had completed 100 days of work under the scheme, which was an all-time record for the state.

According to officials in the department, the demand for work under the scheme has gone down as only 17.77 lakh labourers were engaged on Sunday. They say the demand for work under the scheme has gone down as agricultural season has started in the state.
According to the MGNREGA portal, 14.67 lakh families have completed 81-99 days of work, 5.65 lakh families have completed 71-80 days of work under the scheme, 5.60 lakh have completed 61-70 days of work and 5.80 lakh families have completed 51-60 days of work so far. Also, 69.46 lakh families have been engaged in NREGA work in this financial year so far, as against 75.43 lakh families in 2020-21.

The states approved labour budget (37.35 crore) for MGNREGA for the ongoing financial year (2021-22) has already been utilised. The states rural development and department has urged the Centre to revise the labour budget to 43 crore for the current financial year.
For this financial year, the Centre had earlier revised the labour budget to 37.35 crore looking at the huge demand for MGNREGA work in the state in view of the Covid. The state has generated 39.31 crore persondays under the scheme so far. Last year (2020-21), the labour budget amounting to 46 crore was utilised in the state.