Current Affairs Exam

Noises Captured Near Jupiters Moon Ganymede Released By NASA

Juno returned data from its flyby across”>The Solar System‘s largest moon.

Data derived from noises recorded on the moon’s surface provides a thrilling journey inside Ganymede’s domain.

Juno’s wave instrument selected a 50-second audio track, which NASA shared.

The wave instrument listens for electric and magnetic radio waves produced in Jupiter’s magnetosphere.

For the audio track, scientists adjusted the collected frequencies into the audio range.

Juno came near 1,038 kilometers of Ganymede’s surface on its closest approach. It was traveling at a speed of 67,000 kilometers per hour.

Ganymede is a Jupiter satellite (moon). It is the Solar System’s largest and most massive moon, as well as the ninth-largest object. Ganymede takes about seven days to orbit Jupiter.

Juno is a NASA spacecraft that orbits Jupiter. Lockheed Martin designed and built it.

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