No shortage of fertilizers in State, claims Haryana Agri Min

Haryana Agriculture-notes-for-state-psc-exams”>Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister, JP Dalal on Tuesday came under the severe criticism of opposition after his claims that there is no shortage of Fertilizers in the State.

Dalal, while replying to the on the issue of shortage of DAP/Urea in the state said that adequate stock of various fertilisers is available in the state.

The Agriculture Minister informed the House that till now about 6.93 lakh metric tonnes (MT) of urea, 2.82 lakh metric tonnes of DAP, more than 1 lakh tonnes of SSP, more than 41,000 NPK is available, out of which 6.24 lakh metric tonnes of urea, 2.60 lakh metric tonnes of DAP, 79,000 metric tonnes of SSP, 38,661 metric tonnes of NPK have been provided to the farmers in the State.