Current Affairs Exam

No legislator has utilised 100% of allotted MLALAD funds: RTI

None of the 71 legislators 70 elected and 1 nominated of the Uttarakhand assembly have been able to spend the entire amount of the MLA Local Area Development (MLALAD) fund they were allotted between 2017 and September 2021, reveals response to an RTI query.

The rural development department, in response to the RTI query filed by Kashipur-based activist Nadeemuddin, has also disclosed that a cumulative amount of Rs 1,256.50 crore was allotted to the 71 legislators during the aforementioned period under MLALAD funds. The fund was equally distributed and each legislator was allotted Rs 17.75 crore during the period.

Out of this cumulative amount, the legislators were able to use Rs 963 crore i.e 77% of the total amount. The remaining Rs 293 crore is yet to be spent on developmental projects.

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