Current Affairs Exam

NIO scientists push for geo-engineering to enhance Arabian Seas iron levels

There is so littleironin the ocean that even a bit of rust from an iron-made ship significantly throws measurements off. To avoid any such contaminations,scientistsfrom the National Institute of (NIO) studied samples of seawater from theArabian Seaand found that a large part of it in the south and northwest are iron-deficient, leading to lower productivity.

To remedy the situation, they have suggested seeding the waters of the Arabian Sea with an ample amount of iron toenhanceits biological pump, thereby increasing its capacity to sequester atmospheric CO2, which will help diminish the atmospheric CO2levelsintroduced into the Biosphere. ThisGeo-Engineering, they said, would also enhance biological productivity, leading to an increase in fish production.

As a part of the Geotraces-India initiative, a major oceanographic programme supported by the Union ministry of earth sciences, dissolved iron-cycling in the Arabian Sea and subtropical gyre region of the Indian Ocean have been studied.

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