New NCRB data shows rise in suicides in Rajasthan

The latest report by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) for accidents deaths and suicides has revealed an increase in suicide cases in the state last year.

The findings under accident deaths listed deaths due to drug overdose, people falling into manholes and food poisoning. According to NCRB, the overall deaths due to road accidents in 2020 recorded a dip compared to 2019. The state logged 23,478 cases of road accidents in 2019, whereas 19,121 accidents were witnessed in 2020.

The data has listed February last year as the most accident-prone month with a total of 2,044 mishaps, followed by November when 1,982 cases were reported.

The NCRB findings for 2020 revealed thatRajasthanreported 5,658 suicides last year, compared to 4,531 cases in 2019. The state reported 81 suicides where people consumed sleeping pills, 465 people committed suicide by drowning, 56 ended their lives by self-immolation, 21 shot themselves while 842 consumed poison to commit suicide.

The NCRBs findings have pointed out that the state logged 36 deaths in 15 cases under mass or family suicides.