Need development plan of 25 years for Kerala: Kodiyeri Balakrishnan

CPM state secretaryKodiyeri Balakrishnansaid that the party conference will be discussing an outline for the development of the state. Factors which can contribute to the making ofNava Keralamwill be the key component of the outline,Kodiyerisaid, while speaking to the media in Kochi on Sunday.

In 1956 also, the state conference had discussed such a report on the states development agenda, said Balakrishnan. It is for the first time that the CPM-led front gets SUCCESSION in the government. This reflects the hope people have placed on the party and LDF. Despite all these factors, the partys mass base will have to be further increased, said Balakrishnan.
The current report on development outline will consider green issues as well, he said. Stress will be given for designing sustainable projects which may not cause damage to the Environment, he added.