Naveen announces Rs 50K crore loan for SHGs

Giving a big push to the Mission Shakti movement for womens Empowerment in the state, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Monday announced that (SHGs) will get interest free loans of Rs 50,000 crore during the next five years.

Mission Shakti has made a provision to provide interest subvention benefits of Rs 1,200 crore on the loans. He disbursed interest subvention benefits of Rs 125 crore for the first two quarters of 2022-23 to more than 2.5 lakh SHGs. This was done through technology platform directly to the SHG accounts.

The State Government has taken a step ahead by deciding to transform SHGs into small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In order to nurture Entrepreneurship among Women, during the Make-in-Odisha Conclave 2022, the chief minister had announced a revolving fund of Rs 1 crore for all district level federations, revolving fund of Rs 50 lakh for block level federations, office building with market complex for all gram panchayat level federations and establishment of micro and mini industrial parks in all 30 districts of the state.