Current Affairs Exam

Nation’s nutrition security hinges on Punjab

Unarguably, a critical need for crop diversification is to address the depleting groundwater.

Two-crop is obliterating Biodiversity, but most remain ignorant of it as an existential crisis. There is also a direct correlation between areas of the two-crop monoculture and farmer suicides. The man-days of work created by the paddy-wheat cycle are possibly 130 days a year or less. Spending days without work in a state of unemployed worklessness leads to depression that is rampant in such communities. Creating diversity of rural occupation is just as important as creating off-farm jobs to improve rural livelihoods. Reduction in paddy cultivation is also essential to solve the vexed issue of crop burning.

People wallow in satisfaction as India habitually celebrates its self-sufficiency in food amidst continued massive Malnutrition. The misperception crops up only because the majority of the people cannot afford nutritious meals and demand remains subdued. Consumption patterns change as economies grow, with people able to afford and demand more nutritious and diverse foods. Even as demand of diversified food increases, Climate-change”>Climate Change will adversely impact food production targets, leading to erratic production on a regular basis. Across India, the groundwater table is depleting to a point where even access to drinking water has become a problem in tens of thousands of villages. In Light of these challenges, Punjab, uniquely endowed with Resources“>Natural Resources, is the key to helping attain Indias Nutrition security.

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