National Safe Motherhood Day 2023 observed on 11th April

On April 11 every year, National Safe Motherhood Day is observed with the objective of promoting the well-being and safety of mothers and expectant mothers by increasing awareness of proper healthcare. This initiative, launched by the Indian government, aims to decrease the number of maternal and neonatal deaths. In the past, India was recognized as one of the most perilous countries to give birth, responsible for 15% of all maternal fatalities worldwide

The inception of National Safe Motherhood Day as an annual event was initiated by the White Ribbon Alliance India (WRAI) to emphasize the significance of adequate healthcare facilities for mothers, particularly during pregnancy. The WRAIs primary aim was to create awareness about healthy healthcare practices, as well as the availability and accessibility of healthcare initiatives for Women during pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care, and to encourage the government to prioritize maternal Health