National Family Health Survey-5- Highlights

Report finds that, in Uttar Pradesh, only 1.5% Women aged between 30 and 49 years have undergone screening test for cervical cancer in life.

Many Health indicators have improved in the state.

Less domestic violence with women was reported.

Sex ratio has also improved.

Use of family planning methods and institutional delivery has increased.

Diarrhoea infection among kids has decreased.

As per NFHS-5, 1.1 % women in urban areas and 1.7 % women in rural areas underwent screening. Thus, rural women scored better with respect to awareness and screening for cervical cancer.

Number of women (aged 30-49 years) who had undergone breast examination for cancer was just 0.4%, in rural as well as urban areas surveyed.

Number of women, who undergone for oral cavity examination for cancer was only 0.6% in rural as well as urban areas.