Mumbai: Govt to frame policy to boost film tourism

In a bid to motivate tourists to visit a city or state after seeing it in a movie and encourage states to make their land conducive to film shoots, the centralMinistry of Tourismin association with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (I&B) organised a symposium in Mumbai on Monday, proposing a film promotion office in the chief ministers office for timely shooting permissions and a model film facilitation policy that all states should follow.

Although the I&B ministry set up a Film Facilitation Office in Delhi in 2015 that helped 120 international filmmakers from 27 countries to shoot in India since its formation, I&B secretaryApurva Chandrapointed at that only 70 domestic films made it necessary for various states to ease shoots and clearances.

Chandra said that the government would soon frame a Draft Model Film Facilitation Policy based on policies that 14 states have come up with that all other states could adopt.