MoU signed to conserve black softshell turtle

A majortempleinAssamhas signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with two green NGOs, the Assam State Zoo cum and the Kamrup District Administration for long-term conservation of the rare freshwater black softshellturtle(Nilssonia nigricans).
The signing ceremony held at Kamrup deputy commissioner office also marked the launch of a vision document 2030 by setting in motion a plan to have a ecologically viable Population of 1000 adults of blacksoftshell turtlein Assam by 2030.

It was launched after Turtle Survival Alliance India and Help Earth signed the pact involving the Hayagriva Madhava Temple Committee. The ponds in the temple, revered by both Hindus and Buddhists, is at Hajo, about 30 km northwest of Guwahati, harbour various threatened species of turtles.

The species was thought to be extinct in the wild, only being confined to some religious sites in Northeastern India and Bangladesh. However, based on the preliminary information, its IUCN status has been downlisted to Critically Endangered in 2021 but does not enjoy legal protection under the Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.